09/11 - 10/03/2009
Belio x 10 - the effect 2000 generation
opening reception 09/11/2009 at 19.30 Uhr
aftershow party at Eschschloraque Rümschrümp
warm up side-show opening,
10.09.2009 at 19.30
"THE INEDIT BELIO COVERS" by Pablo & Javier IA [gee.oh.dee]
in BOX32, Boxhagener Str. 32, 10245 Berlin
deutsche version hier!
all participating artists
The art and design magazine from Spain, BELIO, celebrates its 10th anniversary by publishing a special issue of Belio Magazine, accompanied by a show that will be touring in different cities.
The selection of artists for the show includes well-known artists like
Paul Insect | Superdeux | Jon Burgerman | Besdo Garsia | Btoy | Deno | Delkographik | DG PH | Dzgnbio | Eduardo Bertone | Dr. Alderete | Kenor | Geso | Grande Graphix | HYP | I Am I Can | Josep Solé | Miguel Angel Martin | Mr Muju | Niark1 | Okuda | Raoul Sinier | Rebel One | Saddo | San | Saner | Sergio Jiménez | Sosima / Vertico's Puppets |
Vasava | Zosen | Catalina Estrada | Base 23 | Escif | Integral Apparel | Official Classic | Alex Trochut | Botlek| etc.

for viewing the video of the first show in Bilbao please click on image
Who could have foretold it in 1999? But here we are 10 years later. Something that still remains unbelivable for its creators, a dream come true: Ten years of life dedicated to the kind of art and design that they love.
The first issue of Belio Magazine was released in 1999. Originally the project was a personal reaction to a demand that both Pablo and Javier Iglesias had: a magazine representing an art-movement that was still not accepted by museums, books or other conservative art magazines. They asked themselves "Would there be someone interested in buying a magazine with this kind of unknown content?". They tried to find out and the answer was a clear "YES", especially considering that all back issues (from 001 to 020) are completely sold out.

In those 10 years many aspects of our culture have changed, and somehow Belio has been part of it. A whole new generation of artists, from graffiti writers to illustrators, graphic designers, photographers, street artists, bloggers, fans and producers of the new vinyl-toy culture, musicians, veejays and deejays... All of them electronic-junkies! If there is something that could best define the generation that Belio is representing, it is its relation to computers, the development of new programs, new tools, new machines, new ways of expression, new digital communities...and as nowadays not everything is "digital" anymore and we are entering a new stage manifesting itself in a so called back to the roots-movement, Belio forms an important part in the merge of the organic/digital or hand-made/online.
The "Effect 2000 Generation" makes references to a singular phenomenom that happened in the closing years of the 90´s, when everybody feared that all of our digitally constructed world would collapse on new years eve right in the moment our systems would turn from “99” to "00", deleting all the gathered information to-date and causing a huge apocalyptic chaos. This profound uncertainty is decisive of the young generation of artists from the 90's, the so-called “generation x”, which had to confront itself to a huge vacuum of ideologies and nothing to fight against or for. now, ten years after the "00" our generation has the chance to demonstrate that there are still new things left to do, to tell, to express... destroying and re-creating the established culture once again, gluing together things that had never before been considered compatible.
This experimental and free spirit, the gathering of new techniques and the exchange of information is perfectly unified under the Project Belio.

This new edition of Belio and its show is the representation of whom we consider some of the very best men and women in the contemporary creative scene.
MAGAZINE – Belio 029: X10
The new issue of Belio Magazine could also be called "revelations". On one hand this issue reveals the new path the magazine is going to take from now on. A new format and content (bigger size, more pages, double cover, new sections, new price) which will turn Belio rather into a kind of book or deluxe magazine. And by other hand this issue will reveal the inner life of the magazine through interviews and articles, but also the parallel life of famous collaborators from the magazine: Jesse Braun, Monito Cadaver, Mik Baro, Le Belle Collage, Josep Solé, Sergio Jiménez, Sosima, I Am I Can, Grande Graphix, Vitris, Josu Sein and I Hate My Acne. All that and a long list of exclusive collaborations by artists and designers from all over the world.

SHOW - Belio X10: „the 10th anniversary celebration“
This show will compile a big selection of all new works by artists all over the world who have created a piece in homage to Belio´s special birthday.
But there will also be inedited stuff from the magazine (like a collection of secret covers), collages, new logos, canvases, prints and posters, videos from the festivals, parties and interviews... All that and much more all in one event which will represent the differents aspects of the Belio culture.

The show will be touring in 2009 ad 2010 in different cities in Europe. For the moment are confirmed:
07/17/ - 08/17/2009: APETIT GALLERY (Bilbao)
09/11/ - 10/03/2009: NEUROTITAN + BOX32 (Berlin)
11/05/ - 11/22/2009: MISCELANEA + RAS (Barcelona)
12/03/ - 12/27/2009: ESPACIO 8 (Madrid)
