20.05.2017 - 10.06.2017
current habits
KERA (Christian Hinz) |
QUINTESSENZ (Thomas Granseuer & Tomislav Topic)

Eröffnung am 20.05.2017 ab 19.00 Uhr
Kontinuierliches malerisches Arbeiten erzeugt Routine: Die Vorbereitung des Untergrundes, die Wahl des Materials, die Verwendung einer angeeigneten Bildsprache, oder auch eine inhaltliche Herangehensweise. Es wird nicht alles neu erfunden, sondern auf ein erarbeitetes Repertoire zurückgegriffen, auf einen Fundus eingeschliffener Vorgehensweisen, der den Ablauf erleichtert und Arbeitsschritte fast automatisiert ablaufen lässt.
Spannend wird es, wo Gewohnheiten gebrochen werden, wo Raum für Neues entsteht und gegeben wird. Haben viele Menschen gemeinsame Gewohnheiten, können diese zur unhinterfragten sozialen Sitte oder kollektiven Überzeungung werden.
"Current Habits" ist eine Bestandsaufnahme, zeigt, wo wir stehen und stellt die Frage, was aktuell passiert. Eine Reflektion, Innehalten und Schauen. Was sind Gewohnheiten, was ist Entscheidung. Was ist Routine, die Sinn macht – was Wiederholung, die zurückwirft.
Johannes Mundinger
Johannes Mundinger paints murals, often with site specific elements, does interactive installations and exhibits in galleries and museums. Born 1982 in Offenburg, Germany, he has studied in Münster and Brussels and is based in Berlin as resident artist at the Urban Spree gallery.

Julia Benz
As one of Berlin's leading young female painters, Julia Benz has a thirst for life and experience which seems to be perfectly matched to her determination and dedication to her craft. Taking on new projects in unfamiliar territory seems to have been the theme of the last two years for Benz but all the while holding strong to her diehard work ethic and hours upon hours of studio time. Between trips oversees and massive projects like painting a boat and giving art workshops in Africa, Benz still somehow manages to keep up with the high demand for her studio work as well. Her secret no doubt, is the long days she spends in her Berlin studio smashing away at 4 or 5 paintings at a time. From massive canvas works to much smaller delicate pieces, her paintings are electric. Layers upon layers of color and pattern weave together somehow perfectly driven by nothing more than impulse, experience and intuition.

Christian Hinz / Kera who was born in Berlin in 1985 occupies himself with colours, printing techniques and facade design over more than 15 years. At the same time Kera always found new impulses through his love for haptic and technically things. Especially the interconnection of working with the computer and the realization on the wall attract the artist. The playground can never be big enough. When looking at his artwork one sees a reflection of his graphic-design studies, his passion for geometric lines and spaces as well as him handling spray cans, wall colour and brushes for years. His artwork is abstract but at the same time spatial. Aesthetics and graphic arts play an important role together.

Quintessenz is an artist duo that dwells on materials, space and the transitions in between.
Thomas Granseuer and Tomislav Topic are Quintessenz.
They have their studios in Berlin and Hannover. Having started of as a team in 2008. Both of them have their roots in the graffiti scene, and worked together on projects during their time as students at the University of applied arts and sciences in Hildesheim.The emphasis is on film, installation, mural art and painting. Always thinking "processual", handmade is a strong priority for them. In their work they combine the analogue and the digital, and that's apparent in their workshop and in the many objects and installation they built. For them it's important to strike a good balance between independent projects and client work. They like to go on tour and see where the road takes them … and the freedom to experiment is what gives them the inspiration to explore new paths and ideas, and to produce great work. 2014 they got elected to one of 10 pathbreaking creative studios in Germany.
Currently they are working as lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim. Important shows and exhibition places were "Alt Stralau 4" in Berlin, the "Knotenpunkt15" exhibition in Hamburg, the "Analog Mensch Digital" exhibition at the Direktorenhaus Berlin, the "WandWand" exhibition in the city gallery in Rosenheim/Bavaria or their solo show "The Part of Me" in Hannover.

www.quintessenz-creation.com |